Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Book Talk

Today I started reading a new book, a gift from someone who knows me well! :) This book is very moving, and I can't wait to finish it. The author is a man named Tom Doyle.

The title of the book is Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where It's Not Safe to Believe

Catchy, right?

Wow. As a true believer, I am appalled, though not surprised, at what my brothers and sisters are going through in other countries, especially in Africa and the Middle East. Still, this book makes me think, it makes me look at myself, which I believe is one of the main purposes of the book.

The following are excerpts from the book, words from a Christian who lives in Syria:

"I used to think I lived a life of sacrifice, but that changed when the war broke out. Although Syria has so few believers that there was danger before, I did not really know what it means to sacrifice. What I thought was sacrifice was actually just inconvenience."

"There is remarkable freedom in having no expectations, no plans for tomorrow. The question I and many others start every day with is this: "Jesus, what do You have planned for me and my family?" Only today matters. Only how I live for Jesus counts. Everything else is superficial. When I hand over my life to my Lord, knowing each day may be my last one on this earth, I am more at peace than ever before."

"Is your life about Jesus and nothing else? When you may die at any moment, it has to be that way, but we're ALL called to live only for Him, no matter what. Although Paul once sacrificed Christians, he met Jesus, gave up all his "rights" and made himself a living sacrifice. Once you live like this, you grasp the most profound fulfillment possible in life."

If THAT isn't thought-provoking to you, then you really need to look at yourself and check your heart. 


Sunday, March 15, 2015

A New Day

A lot has happened since my last post. A few days after I moved in, my feet started to swell, then my legs. After making sure it wasn't a blood clot, I was told it was fluid buildup, put on a water pill, and told to keep my legs elevated to try and drain the fluid.

Around this time I decided to get back on hospice. This time I have a great nurse.

I went downhill pretty quickly. I could barely walk, I was constantly in pain, I was throwing up whatever I ate, and my pulse kept shooting up so high I couldn't breathe. I was ready to give up, and I just wanted to go home to the Lord.

Then, a week ago, something happened to me. A fight rose up in me like I've never felt before, like a fire. It's like I woke up from a coma or something. I prayed to the Lord like never before, and I told Him I wanted to LIVE. I laid hands on my own body and commanded it to line up with God's word.

This cancer is NOT going to take me! I'm too young, and the Lord has work for me to do.

It's been an amazing week! I can already feel the difference in my body. I've been getting out of bed and walking down the hallway without any help! I'm bathing on my own too! I'm taking it day by day, kind of like physical therapy, and I will keep doing a little more each day.

I've got a joy now that I didn't have before. I'm going to walk out of this thing, and you all are going to witness a miracle. I'm going to live and preach and do exactly what the Lord commands. I'm so excited!