Monday, July 28, 2014


Well, last week the battle with Medicaid was completed. They will not cover me for June, due to my income having been above their threshold during that month.

At first, I was upset. I got hit. But I cried out to the Lord to help me, and there came the peace, just as He promised.

"Ask, and you shall receive. Seek & you shall find. Knock, and it will be open to you." That's what that scripture is talking about. Not material things. When we ask for His will in His name, it will be given. His will is love, mercy, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience, self-control, repentance & forgiveness, holiness, deliverance.

Who cares about unpaid medical bills? Yes, they must be paid. I will do what I must to take care of that debt. I hate debt. Debt is a plague. The Lord said to owe no man anything, except love. Proverbs said the borrower is a slave to the lender.

Well, I am tired of being a slave. I am tired of working all the time just to make ends meet. Enough is enough! I'm sick of just surviving. I want to LIVE! I want to give myself to the work of the Lord.

So, Lord, what is my next move? What would YOU have me to do?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


So, I got a letter from Medicaid stating that because my official "diagnosis date" is in July, they will not cover any expenses incurred in June.


"Oh, and your case is closed, because our records show you have private health insurance, so your medicaid coverage will end on August 31st."


And so begins another long string of phone calls to various people, trying to get this mess sorted out. When dealing with the world system, nothing is ever easy or straightforward.


Ok, you can do this! Correction - the Lord in you can do this!

Yes, yes He can.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Theme Song

The first time I ever heard this song on the radio, I fell head over heels in love with the music and lyrics. This song sums up my daily prayer exactly! Every time I listen to this song I can feel the Lord's arms around me, holding me close. Such joy!

It's even closer to my heart now, walking through this & knowing how much I need the Lord every hour, and every step of the way.

This is by far my favorite version: sung acoustic by Matt Maher & Audrey Assad


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Good News!

After two and a half weeks of research, phone calls, confusion, and exhaustion, I finally had a breakthrough today! I know what hospital I'm going to AND I got approved for medicaid!

It's a very long story, but basically I found out that Breast & Cervical cancer patients can get approved for medicaid immediately through their local Health Department, as long as you meet the financial requirements.

The Health Department is telling me it is supposed to go back 3 months for coverage, which means all my hospital bills from June should be covered. My portion of the hospital bills were way more than I could afford, so this is such a relief and a blessing!!

Whew! Thank You Jesus!

As I write this, I'm very tired. This has been a stressful process, time consuming, with lots of uncertainty. But now that this important task is completed, I can make my appointment in Atlanta to see an Oncologist, and to get some further tests done. That will be done first thing in the morning.

Goodnight all! :)


Before I ever heard my diagnosis, I already knew Chemo & Radiation were out of the question. This is where I may shock and offend people, though I am not meaning to. I simply don't believe in either treatments, and I truly believe these so-called "treatments" are actually what is killing most people with cancer. 

My question is this: How is your body supposed to fight the disease when the treatments are killing your immune system?

Well, the answer is, it can't.

So I started researching alternative treatments. As in researching anything online these days, I know that I have to take everything I read with a grain of salt, and depend on the Lord to help me discern truth from fable. It was no different here.

I did find one very important truth in all my googling: Diet can cause cancer & diet can kill cancer.

Almost everything I was eating was DEAD food, processed & full of preservatives. Corn starch, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, added sugars, etc.  DEAD FOOD! Zero nutrients! And some of those ingredients have been directly linked to cancer. And those foods were certainly not doing my immune system any favors. 

Being diagnosed with cancer has been a wake-up call in more ways than one. All my research has led me to change my diet - permanently! 

For 30 days, starting Saturday July 12th, I am eating a vegetarian diet. The only exceptions are wild-caught salmon once a week, farm eggs, and raw cows milk. I'm cutting out all processed foods with harmful carcinogenic ingredients. I'm cutting out sugar, with the exception of raw honey in my coffee. I'm eating lots of raw veggies and fruits, and as much gluten-free products as possible.

After that, I will start to incorporate venison back into my diet, but only once a week going forward. We also raise our own chickens, so I'll be eating that occasionally, around 2-3 times a month.

You see, when I look back, I can see that the cancer was making me sick several months back. In March, I got violently ill twice within 2 weeks, both times after eating junk food like movie theatre popcorn & pizza at the buffet. It was my body telling me something was wrong and to stop eating that poisonous food!

After only a few days on this new regimen, I am sleeping better than ever, my digestive system is cleaning itself out, and I have lost 10 pounds! (always a bonus)  :) 

I'm also taking a few natural supplements, but it's my diet that will really help my body fight this cancer. If I do my part, the Lord will do His part. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Background Story

I feel it's important for people to know the back story, how I got to this point. In hindsight I now realize there were so many signs that I ignored, my body screaming at me that something was wrong.

I had experienced heavy bleeding for 3 weeks when I went to my local health department to seek help. The only result of that visit was an "unsatisfactory" Pap Smear and a suggestion from the nurse to start taking birth control.

Over the next month, the bleeding continued, and large clots starting coming out. I felt tired all the time. I was going to bed early almost every night, but had trouble sleeping. Then came a terrible ache in my neck and upper back, along with trouble breathing & severe headaches. About 2 weeks later, I woke up one morning feeling nauseated and dizzy. I almost passed out going to feed the chickens. My heart was beating like I had just run a marathon, and I seriously thought I was about to have a heart attack. Soon after, I went to see a GYN at the local women's clinic. After an ultrasound and blood tests, they sent me straight to the hospital, due to a critically low blood level of 5.4, for a blood transfusion. About 36 hours & 2 units of blood later, I was released, stating my blood level was stable at 7.9.

Six days later, I went for a follow-up. My Dr. & I both agreed the best course of action was for her to perform a D&C (Dilation and Curettage). She was at a loss as to how to treat me until the bleeding was stopped. She scheduled it for the next day. I didn't sleep well that night, and felt very weak the next morning. At the hospital for surgery, my blood test now showed a level of 5.1. I had to get another 2 units of blood before they would let me go back to surgery. I received a third unit on my way into surgery.

While in surgery, the doctor found the tumor, growing downward from my cervix. The tumor was full of blood, which is where all the bleeding was coming from. She said it started to fall apart in her hands. The Dr. took a biopsy of the tumor and had it sent off for testing.... Cancer.

So here I am, in my late 20's, being told I have cervical cancer. "squamous cell carcinoma with lymphoepithelioma qualities."

And here is where I started doing LOTS of research. This is something I highly recommend. I refuse to be ignorant and let the Drs have control over this situation. It's my body, and it belongs to the Lord.


On June 27th, just 2 short weeks ago, I was told I have cervical cancer. The "C" word. So ugly, cruel in its suggestiveness. The shock comes, along with the racing thoughts: "I'm too young." "How did this happen?"

And then come the tears, the despair, the hopelessness.

For me, though, those emotions only lasted a few moments. Quickly I got myself together and remembered, as if I could ever forget, that I have Jesus Christ living in me, as my Lord and Savior! He alone can see me through this and ultimately heal me.

And then came the peace. Sweet heavenly peace, like a warm blanket.

I am writing this blog to share my experience, my testimony, in hopes that it will help someone else who is going through this. A testimony is a powerful thing, and should be told as much as possible.

My journey has only just begun, but I want to share it as I go along.