Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Before I ever heard my diagnosis, I already knew Chemo & Radiation were out of the question. This is where I may shock and offend people, though I am not meaning to. I simply don't believe in either treatments, and I truly believe these so-called "treatments" are actually what is killing most people with cancer. 

My question is this: How is your body supposed to fight the disease when the treatments are killing your immune system?

Well, the answer is, it can't.

So I started researching alternative treatments. As in researching anything online these days, I know that I have to take everything I read with a grain of salt, and depend on the Lord to help me discern truth from fable. It was no different here.

I did find one very important truth in all my googling: Diet can cause cancer & diet can kill cancer.

Almost everything I was eating was DEAD food, processed & full of preservatives. Corn starch, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, added sugars, etc.  DEAD FOOD! Zero nutrients! And some of those ingredients have been directly linked to cancer. And those foods were certainly not doing my immune system any favors. 

Being diagnosed with cancer has been a wake-up call in more ways than one. All my research has led me to change my diet - permanently! 

For 30 days, starting Saturday July 12th, I am eating a vegetarian diet. The only exceptions are wild-caught salmon once a week, farm eggs, and raw cows milk. I'm cutting out all processed foods with harmful carcinogenic ingredients. I'm cutting out sugar, with the exception of raw honey in my coffee. I'm eating lots of raw veggies and fruits, and as much gluten-free products as possible.

After that, I will start to incorporate venison back into my diet, but only once a week going forward. We also raise our own chickens, so I'll be eating that occasionally, around 2-3 times a month.

You see, when I look back, I can see that the cancer was making me sick several months back. In March, I got violently ill twice within 2 weeks, both times after eating junk food like movie theatre popcorn & pizza at the buffet. It was my body telling me something was wrong and to stop eating that poisonous food!

After only a few days on this new regimen, I am sleeping better than ever, my digestive system is cleaning itself out, and I have lost 10 pounds! (always a bonus)  :) 

I'm also taking a few natural supplements, but it's my diet that will really help my body fight this cancer. If I do my part, the Lord will do His part. 

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