Saturday, August 2, 2014


Thursday I went to Atlanta for my consultation with a GYN Oncologist. She did a basic exam, and talked to me about the next step, which is a PET scan. I'll be going back Monday for that scan. After that, I'll have a follow-up with the Dr within a week for her to give me the results of the scan, as well as her recommendation on how to proceed with "treatment." As I have already stated, I will not submit to chemotherapy. The Lord will not allow me to, and I don't want it. I have not decided whether or not I would agree to surgery (radial hysterectomy). I am seeking the Lord, and I will only do it if I feel a peace about it. Peace always comes when I make a decision according to the Lord's desire.

The results of the exam: She could clearly see the large mass coming from the cervix. From her assessment, it doesn't look like it has spread outside that immediate area. The PET scan will show if there is anything else in my body. I had originally thought my GYN had removed the entire mass during the D&C surgery, but that was incorrect. She only removed part of it. The oncologist will officially "stage" the cancer once she has evaluated the results of the scan.

The oncologist told me this is an aggressive cancer, which can spread quickly. Well, I serve a mighty God, and He can be pretty firm & aggressive when it comes to healing the sick and casting out demons. I know this from my own experience, and what my eyes have witnessed.

I have no fear of cancer, nor do I fear dying. I KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that when I die I will be with Jesus. However, I don't want to leave this world in this way, by sickness. I'd rather die a martyr, or an old woman asleep in her bed. I know that my God heals, and that He withholds nothing good & holy from those that belong to Him.

To everyone who reads this: You are all precious to the Lord, and He wants each of you all for Himself.

I want to put a very important question to each of you, for you to ponder when you are alone:. Do you know Jesus?

I mean really KNOW Him? Is He truly LORD and MASTER of your life? Do you consult Him about every decision you make? Do you talk to Him throughout the day? Do you act like Him, & talk like Him?

Before this experience, I never had a real relationship with the Heavenly Father. Coming so close to death as I did, and as I am now, has opened my eyes. I see things very clearly. There is an urgency in me now, that I've never felt before. There is an urgency to get to people to tell them the Truth about Jesus, that He alone can save them and deliver them from the hell they are putting themselves in. There is a strength in me, that I know is not my own, but that of God! There is a holy fear in me, for people who are lost. There is a strong desire in me now, to be Holy, to be separate from the world. I belong to God, and I can't look like, act like, eat like, or sound like the world.

Please, search out your hearts, seek your salvation with fear & trembling. You are not promised tomorrow. You do not know if your soul will be required of you this day. DO NOT WAIT. You may never get a chance to make right, to deal with the darkness of your past. DO IT NOW!!

The Lord is patiently waiting for you, but there will come a day when He will wait no longer, and He will come back for His people.

I love you all, and I fear God too much to NOT tell you the truth that is burning in my heart.

Lord Bless You all with His mercy and LIFE!

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