Friday, August 1, 2014


Amazing how one moment can change your life forever.

Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer, everything has changed. My eyes see the world differently. The desires of my heart have altered. My soul has been stirred in a way I never thought possible.

As I mentioned in my last post, I hate debt. It is a noose around my neck. I want free from it, and I have an opportunity to do so.

Before all this happened, I had my house up for sale. Within 2 weeks I had 2 buyers! One fell through, and the other offered me a contract. All I had to do was sign the contract, but then I got sick and everything was put on hold. The couple patiently waited over the last month as I went through this process.

Now, I am moving forward with the sale of my house. I'm waiting for the updated contract to sign; however, I've already begun selling furniture in anticipation of moving. I'm packing up what I want to keep, and I'm selling the rest.

Here's the plan: A close friend of ours has a place with about an acre of land, out in the country, but still close to where I work. Most of the land is woods. He has offered to let Dad and I build us each a little 1-room cabin on his property. This way, each of us will have our own space, and we'll only be in his house to wash clothes, take a shower, and eat our evening meals with him. He is offering willingly, and I am accepting gratefully.

You see, I don't want to get back in debt, not for a car or a house. Our friend's place is paid for, so there are only the utilities and taxes to be concerned with. Those I will split with him, to help ease the burden on him in exchange for him allowing us to live there.

I'm excited about the changes that are coming. Stuff is no longer important to me, and I can't wait to be free of it, so that I can get out there and minister to people. That's what I was made for, to minister, not to work myself to death and be in bondage for a house and transportation.

So, I ask you, what drives you? What are you working, slaving, and breathing for? What is most important to you in this life, this temporary life?

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