Monday, February 16, 2015

A Move

So yesterday we had a family get-together to celebrate my grandpa's 70th birthday. By the end of this party, it was decided that I would go live with my grandparents for a while. The bottom line is I need a woman around, to help with things like getting out of the bathtub. Plus this way I would have my own bathroom, which will be a huge help. This will also bring me closer to my other grandparents, who only live about 10 miles from where I'll be staying.

I don't know how long this arrangement will be for, but frankly I'm preparing myself in the event I don't get any better. In the last two weeks, I've seen a steady decline in my physical strength, to where I have a very hard time getting up from any kind of sitting, kneeling, or lying position. Yesterday at the party, I had to get my grandma to help lift me off the toilet, because I couldn't get up on my own. My legs feel like lead sometimes.

As I keep telling everyone, I'm not giving up, but I can't deny what's going on with my body, and how weak I am getting. I'm glad I cancelled hospice, because I'd rather have my family taking care of me at the end, instead of a stranger. Funeral arrangements were completed last fall, so all that's left for me to do now is make sure Dad knows what to do with all the little things. Plus, I have some letters I want to write, to be given out in the event of my death.

It's been quite an emotional week, but I feel better about the move and getting my affairs in order, so that I can rest and be at peace. I think a change of scenery will do me some good, and having women around will definitely help. I look forward to seeing what the Lord does these next few weeks and months.

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